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Not seeing Portal's Add-In in Outlook Anymore?

Add-ins are separate applications and sometimes a COM add-in can become automatically disabled by Outlook or be disabled by the user if Outlook feels that the add-in is running slow

To re-enable Portal's Outlook add-in

Follow the steps below to re-enable Client Track Portal's Outlook add-in when sending out a secure email message.

Step 1  -  Close Outlook

Close Outlook and any email windows you have open

Step 2  -  Download our Outlook fix

Click the link below to download our Outlook fix application (.exe)

Download Outlookfix.exe

Step 3 - Run the Outlook fix

Simply click 'Yes' to run the Outlook fix application which will then open up the Cammand Prompt window.

Step 4 - Command Prompt

In the Command Prompt window, press 'Enter' on your keyboard to close Outlook to begin overwriting the keys needed for the Portal's Outlook add-in to run.

Step 5  -  Open up Outlook

After the keys have been overwritten, press 'Enter' on your keyboard to re-open Outlook to see that add-in should now be enabled.

Overwriting Keys
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